Dicoteldonae : Two Sead-leaves Class

Class Dicoteldonae Taxonomy

Scientific Name:

Kingdom: Plantae


Class: Dicoteldonae (two seed-leaves)

Families: 52

Myricaceae (Wax-myrtle Family)
(1 sp. Myrica gale)

Salicaceae (Willow Family)

Betulaceae (Birch Family)

Urticaceae (Nettle Family)
(1sp. Urtica dioica)

Santalaceae (Sandalwood Family)
(1sp. Geocaulon lividum)

Polygonaceae (Buckwheat Family)

Chenopodiaceae (Goosefoot Family)

Portulaceae (Perslane Family)

Caryophyllaceae (Pink Family)

Nymphaceae (Water-lily Family)

Ranunculaceae (Crowfoot Family)

Papeveraceae (Poppy Family)

Fumaraceae (Fumitory Family)

Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) (Mustard Family)

Droseraceae (Sundew Family)

Crassulariaceae (Stonesrop Family)
(1.sp. Rhodiola rosea)

Saxifragaceae (Saxifrage Family)

Roasaceae (Rose Family)

Fabiaceae (Liguminosae) (Pea Family)

Geraniaceae (Geranium Family)

Linaceae (Flax Family)
(1.sp. Linum lewisii)

Callitrichaceae (Water Starwort Family)

Empetraceae (Crowberry Family)
(1sp. Empetrum nigrum)

Violaceae (Violet Family)

Elaeagnaceae (Oleaster Family)

Onagraceae (Evening Primrose Family)

Hippuridaceae (Mare's-tail Family)
(1sp. Huppuris vulgaris)

Haloraginaceae (Water-milfoil Family)

Apiaceae (umbelliferae) (Parsley Family)

Cornaceae (Dogwood Family)

Pyrolaceae (Wintergreen Family)

Ericaceae (Heath Family)

Diapensiaceae (Diapensia Family)
(1sp. Diapensia lapponica)

Primulaceae (Primrose Family)

Gentianaceae (Gentian Family)

Menyanthaceae (Buckbean Family) (1sp. Menyanthes trifoliata)

Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family) (1sp. Apocynum androsaemifolium)

Polemoniaceae (Phlox Family)

Hydropyllaceae (Waterleaf Family)
(1sp. Phacelia mollis)

Boraginaceae (Borage Family)

Lamiaceae (Mint Family))


Orobanchaceae (Broom-rape Family)
(1sp. Boschniakia rossica)

Lentibulariaceae (Bladderwort Family)

Plantaginaceae (Plantain Family)

Rubiaceae (Madder Family)

Caprifoliaceae (Honysuckle Family)

Adoxaceae (Moschatel Family)
(1sp. Adoxa moschatel)

Valerianaceae (Valerian Family)

Campanulaceae (Bluebell Family)

Asteraceae/Compositaceae (Composite Family)

Genera: ?

Species: 400

English Name(s):

Dicoteldon Class, Dicots, Flowering plants

Gwich'in Name:

Class Dicoteldonae Traits


  • Leaf viens ussually webed
  • Flower parts in 4's or 5's
  • Woody or herbacious
  • Sprouts with 2 leaves
  • Vascular bundles in stem are arranged in a ring

Class Size:


Families: 443


Species: 250,000

North America:





Families: 56


Species: 800

Illustrated Key to Families Groups of Class Dicoteldonae

Note: Move cursor over image for note on what to look for. Click on image to enlarge.

Note: Key is under construction

Thumbnail Here

Name Here

Dicotomous Key to Families Groups of Class Dicoteldonae

Note: Key is under construction

  • A: Plants always woody trees and shrubs bearing flowers in catkins: Catkin Families
  • A: Plants woody or herbacious with flowers not in catkins:
    • B: Plants with numerous tiny flowers a in composite (fused into a megaflower) inflorecence (flower cluster or stalk): Asteraceae/Compositaceae (Composite Family)
    • B: Plants with flowers single or in an infloresence (flower cluster or stalk):
      • C:
      • C:

Dicotomous Key to Catkin Families

Biology of Dicoteldons

Natural History

The original angiosperms (flowering plants) had two seed-leaves, the characataristic that defined the dicoteldons. Some flowering plants evolved to have only one seed leaf. These are the monocoteldons. The Monocoteldon Class branched off from the dicoteldons about 127MYA. The trend in the continueing evolution of flowering plants is fussion of flower parts creating less but more complicated flower parts. The ultimate expresion of this fussion in the dicots is the composite flower of the Asteraceae/Compositaceae (Composite Family). In this family numeroious flowers have been fused together into one flower head. Some species of both monocoteldons and dicoteldons flowers have retained ansesteral charactaristics. Thus some monocot and dicot flowers look closer to each other than members of thier own class.

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